Saturday, February 8, 2014

Are you ready?


Welcome to Winter PD. This weekend, is the start of my first online course offering through Westford Public Schools. This groups of teachers could be skiing, sledding, settling on the couch with the Winter Olympics, or reading by the fire. Yet, like so many great educators, they chose to enroll in a professional development course. 
Recently, Massachusetts DESE has released standards for  high quality professional development as part of the Race to the Top initiative.hoose to use that time to spend countless hours in taking courses to improve our teaching.
 A set of coherent learning experiences that is systematic, purposeful, and structured over a sustained period of time with the goal of improving teacher practice and student outcomes. It enables educators to facilitate the learning of students by acquiring and applying knowledge, skills, and abilities that address student needs and improvement goals of the district, school, and individual. HQPD conforms to best practices in research and relates to educators' assignments and professional responsibilities. 
In the course we will explore current online technology tools, discuss their impact on student learning and develop lessons and strategies to integrate them into current teaching. The goal is to research and develop technology integration project that supports the curriculum and helps students reach their learning goals to be implemented in class(es).
This course will challenge teachers to assess their skills and then push themselves to learn more. Every module will ask them to contemplate and evaluate the use of a tool for student learning. Some will be easy, obvious in the integration. Other online tools may nudge them to change the way they teach and then others will bring a whole new perspective.
In the spirit of this course, I will be challenging myself to learn more as well. We are using ObaWorld for the first time in Westford Public Schools. Your patience and feedback will be greatly appreciated as you navigate the new learning management system.
 Take risks, think out of the box, don't give up, and enjoy the ride.
 Are you ready?


  1. I am ready! I am a bit nervous but I am looking forward to a new challenge! I have set up a blog but I am not utilizing it to its full potential. I hope to have this class support me in becoming more confident in accessing and integrating digital tools in my classroom. Looking forward to the ride!

  2. I am also a bit nervous about taking this course. This is the first online course that I have ever taken!
    It will certainly be a challenge for me because much of this is outside of my comfort zone- but that is OK!. I have done a number of classroom projects that I have learned about in previous online/web based technology classes and have even set up a wiki but I know there is so much more that I can do with my classes. So yes, I am ready :)

  3. I am ready too! Life happens (marriage, kids, etc) and I have gotten a somewhat stale with my use of technology. I am excited to be pushed out of my box and try out some new things. I am looking to invigorate my teaching and to reach more of my kids in a way that I will know will really be high interest!

  4. I am ready as well. Excited to be taking a class again, I feel that I've gotten comfortable even lazy on my PD especially with technology. I guess it is time to get back on the bike.

  5. I love the description of this class and think it is just what I have been looking for. I love tackling new learning, however I will admit that I typically choose something I "think" I will be successful at easily. Technology has never been one of those areas and I know I don't utilize it as often as I could. I like to say that "paper and pencil" can be just as effective, but I know that is partially because I haven't taken the time to learn about the new technology available. Hopefully this course will "push" me out of my comfort zone and help me appreciate a new tool as well as re-energize me in the classroom.

  6. I'm ready, a little nervous, but ready! I definitely do not integrate technology into my classroom enough. I tend to stick with what I know and and don't always push myself to try new things. I think this class can help me get out of that rut and help me to learn new ways to utilize technology and online tools in the classroom. I know that using technology can make learning more engaging and I'm ready to learn how to best integrate it with my teaching and make learning more fun and meaningful for my students.

  7. I am ready to rock and roll. Looking forward to learning new and exciting ideas about how to involve technology in my classroom. Well, at least improve the way I use technology as a teaching tool.

  8. I am ready too. I feel like I know a good amount about technology, but I don't use it often in the classroom. I'm really looking forward to developing ways that my students can use technology to enhance their learning. Also I have a couple colleagues in the clasand I'm looking forward to collaborating with them.

  9. I am ready too!! I look forward to learning new ways to motivate my students and to extend my knowledge of the growing world of technology! I also look forward to getting to know and learning from everyone in the class.

  10. I am ready, too! I can feel myself falling behind as technology seems to change it an instant. I know I will not be on the cutting edge but at least I want to be in the game. I am hoping this class will help me feel ready to share and incorporate technology into library projects and programs.

  11. Wow! What a video. Like so many of you I feel ready and nervous. I can freeze at times afraid to push the wrong button but I am willing to overcome my anxiety and learn the tools to enhance my teaching. It can be intimidating when student appear to know more about technology than you do so it is time to step up to the plate.

  12. Wow! You all are making me very excited to move on with this course. To be honest I am a bit nervous as well. using ObaWorld requires some learning on my part. But let's do this!

  13. Ready to roll. Love the video, reminds me of my classroom kidos. I too am nervous and excited. I think more excited than nervous. I am looking forward to finding ways to intergrate more technology into my classroom.

  14. I am ready and overdue. I believe that I have embraced technology from my first days of teaching. However I do think that I am not fully aware of how much I am missing. I am ready to open up to some new ideas.


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